Change Log
Change Log
We call it the “show your work” portion of our presentation. We’ll try to keep this updated, and purge older material, as we work to expand our library of ready-for-air classics and fresh breaking artists.
01 March 2023
Mega-update to bring us up to date: premastered and added to base rotation library selections from Birth, Malady, Beardfish, Conspiracy, Unifaun, David Minasian, Luminatus, and some missing Emerson Lake & Palmer material that should by all rights be part of our sonic platform.
01 January 2023
Broke and fixed and re-broke the website multiple times, then had webhost change DNS servers without updating website pointers. Joy.
23 September 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library Thieves’ Kitchen album Argot, as well as The Tangent’s latest, Songs From The Hard Shoulder.
02 September 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library additional selections from FLEESH, as well as Magic Pie, Touch (often credited as the first fully “prog” album), and Moth Vellum.
29 August 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library additional selections from Rick Wakeman, Steve Howe, as well as Levin/Torn/White and FLEESH.
25 August 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library selections from two albums of Liquid Tension Experiment.
22 August 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library selections from three albums of Moving Gelatine Plates: the debut self-titled, The World of Genius Hans, and Removing.
17 August 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library selections from the Atoll debut album (1975), as well as the remaster of the LP The Long Hello by Jackson, Banton & Evans, as well as choice cuts from the album Prog Family by Osana and David Jackson.
7 August 2022
Injected tracks from The Rome Pro(G)ject, Mongol and Pale Acute Moon, plus choice cuts from Cinema, Terutsugu Hirayama, Kenso, latter-day Steve Hackett and Ain Soph.
6 August, 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library much of the collected works of Mr. Sirius/Sirius and Pageant, with a hat tip to Aaron Kelley for the rabbithole of Japanese symphonic prog.
5 August, 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library choice cuts from Perfect’s self-titled debut.
31 July, 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library selections from Cathedral’s Stained Glass Stories and Yezda Urfa’s Boris and Sacred Baboon.
23 July Weekend, 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library selections from All Traps on Earth, Black Midi, Daal, Logos, Scardust, and Shamblemaths.
15 July 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library Discipline’s To Shatter All Accord.
11 July 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library selections from Ciccada and Magenta.
10 July 2022
Overdue website update, menus function once again, segregated content.
9 July 2022
Premastered and added to base rotation library selections from Universal Totem Orchestra, Exploring Birdsong, Phideaux, and MEER.
3 July 2022
Premastered and uploaded to rotation library selections from John Wetton (solo), Three – To The Power of Three.
Re-ripped CD copy of Eddie Jobson & Zinc The Green Album, premastered and uploaded select tracks to replace previous malformed library copies.